Sometimes it felt like doing the same thing over and over, but that is now a thing of the past.
Looks like I am back in the verse, back on track and there is much to explore.
The galactic Core is of no interest to me any more after I have hear about the Galactic Hub Project
Hence 5 things have changed and have filled me up with great spirrit.
- There is a Support fleet that I can count upon.
- I am no longer alone in the Verse after I found within a data-bank the indication of travellers just like me. They call , ... we call our-self the Interloper.
- I have a new Target. Reaching the Galactic Hub & join the Interloper.
considering thought that I am 1.1 Million light years away of it I am considering to throw the coin and myself with my ship into a random Black hole in order to jump closer. A few random nomad traders at the station told me that this is the way the get around so much (and I personally hope not rid of competition ... though even the Atlas Priest seems to confirm it ... lets see).
Tomorrow I will dare the jump
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