Montag, 15. August 2016

Planet: Plenty Vortex Cubes and a Portal @ Meridias V.Cube Rush

Region: Edge to the Tsildop Fringe, though still in Lafquenotc Boundary
System: Meridias V.Cube Rush
Planet: Plenty Vortex Cubes and a Portal
Not far of Euclid Galaxy - I think, still not exactly sure where I was stranded out here)
The following says it all.
(Took about 10 min to collect the above)

Lukily the planet is also full of plutonium and Language interfaces.
Or caves where I found 30 within a range of 3 minutes.

Just about 178 thousand light years of the core.
{dammit, that's still a long way to go}

The Vy'keen trading post on the surface allowed me avoid pirate attacks, on the way to sell it at the space station. 

Currently undetected/unnamed Systems next to it:
Lafquenotc Boundary:

  • Etlichnovit-Nugmai [19 ly clossest system]
  • Revakazansky-Neti 
  • Rolyovkazo-Pix 
  • Iskoveylkins 

Next three systems towards the core:

  • Onilandaledz II (Tsildop Frindge)
  • Izanskyfin (Lafquenotc Boundary)
  • Urovkoelidre (Lafquenotc Boundary)

Save Journey, 


I just woke up next to this portal thingy today and realised where I am.

The first planet I land on with my new ship and it just happens to be sugar coated with Vortex Cubes all frigging over. Those things are literally everywhere. 10.000's of the them. Minimum. More. Where ever you land you can collect 5 in a radius of about 200 steps.

If I would would not know it better than I would think that somebody shot thousands and thousands of this thingies through the Portal I slept next to in my ship over night on to this planet for me. Well, ... thought that would be merely a wishful thinking I guess. Though today one could almost make me believe that this reality in which I got stranded at the far edge of the  Galaxy is based on some sort of intelligent design.
Well, voila, Что ж & saperlot ... my path to the centre of the galaxy will now be truly well pre-financed, once I mined/collected here for a couple of days.

From the wake at overheated baking oven of a planet, with a massive hangover on top of it, ... into the galaxies finest treasure chamber.

I still cant believe my luck to stumble across it in my ship. Guess one day a fellow lucky traveller will fall into a portal in order to try his/her random luck and stumble across this planet.
Don't envy them though. They will have a long walk to the trading post to call for a space ship. Wish them to have some advanced equipment along that gets you up to the space station to buy a new ship. Would even deposit one now, in preparation for them, ... if I knew how.

If I now stumble across a Space Station, on the way to the core, that serves me some Ice Cold "Kaiser Beer", then I start building Monuments in the name of the Atlas Guidance System and beer bottles made of gold.

Like that one:

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